Together, we can empower the next generation to build a brighter future.

Every young person deserves a chance to succeed. Your donation to I Have A Future Coalition can help provide the resources and support needed to make this happen.

  • IHAF Boston led Workshop

    I Have A Future Boston Fund

    The I Have A Future Boston Fund is a critical part of our organization's ability to create change in the community. This fund provides support for operational costs such as renting a space for the organization, paying staff, and covering other miscellaneous needs. By donating to this fund, you are investing in the infrastructure that allows us to continue our important work. Your donation will help us to provide a stable home for our organization and ensure that we have the resources we need to continue building a powerful youth movement. With your support, we can create a community where all young people have equal opportunities to thrive, and where youth-led movements can flourish.

  • 2020 Youth Justice Rally

    Youth Justice Rally

    The annual Youth Justice Rally is a critical event in our fight for economic justice and an end to mass incarceration. Your donation to this fund will help us to provide transportation, stipends for youth volunteers, snacks, marketing, and other materials needed to make the rally a success. The rally is a powerful tool for raising awareness of the issues facing young people in our community and bringing attention to the urgent need for change. By supporting this fund, you will be helping us to empower young people and give them a voice in the fight for justice. Together, we can create a community that supports and values all young people.

  • Youth meeting with local State Legislators

    Sponsor a Youth Opportunity

    By sponsoring a youth opportunity, you are investing in the future of our community. With your donation, we can provide funding to members of the IHAF Coalition to hire a young person for either the summer or school year. Your support will allow us to provide meaningful employment to a young person, giving them the opportunity to gain valuable skills and experience, and make a positive impact in their community. Your donation will help to break down barriers and create opportunities for young people of color who have historically faced systemic barriers to employment. Through your sponsorship, you will help us to build a strong and vibrant community where all young people can thrive.

Our mission is to unite youth organizers and allies statewide, wielding our collective power to win youth jobs and end mass incarceration. Through transformational leadership, direct action, and policy change, we strive for equal opportunities for all young people to thrive.


Can I send a check?

Yes, IHAF accepts online and offline donations. Please send checks to; I Have a Future, 14 Cushing Ave, Boston, MA 02125

Does IHAF accept in-kind donations?

Yes, for more information please reach out to Nakieshia, the Media and Fundraising Coordinator at

How can I become a sponsor?

If you are interested in sponsoring any of the IHAF events, please reach out to Nakieshia at or Keturah at